pp108 : Logger Context

Logger Context

This topic explains the concept of logger context.

Logger context refers to the detailed information about the context of an application and is propagated across all the activities or transactions involved in that application. For example, the name of a business process model can be set as a context under which all operations (Service Containers or UI applications) involved in the process execution inherit this context.

While analyzing messages that are logged by different services, it is necessary to involve the chain of relevant messages which hold a causal relation with one another. For example, an XForm initiates a short-lived process, whereas, WS-AppServer code accesses another Web service causing an error. This error is logged at all levels (Web service, WS-AppServer, short-lived process, and XForm). Anyone viewing the full set of log-messages, must be able to see that these messages share a causal relationship with one another.

To ensure causality-relation between log messages, Composite Application Logging (CAL) helps in propagating the logger context across web-applications and SOAP services, which are all related by a Unique ID. Logger context can be visualized as an 'application diagnostic context' where all the applications and SOAP services inheriting the context push entries in their 'local' diagnostic context.

A composite application developer can add custom entries into a Logger Context. The setDiagnosticContext of Logger API enables you to set custom diagnostic context for a web application.


Related tasks

Viewing Log Messages using the Log Viewer

Related reference

Categories and Severity Levels
Log Message Search Parameters
Advanced Search Options in Log Viewers

Related information

Composite Application Logging